If you need any further information or your answer isn't here please email info@alkekvelodrome.com or message our WhatsApp Group.
Who owns and operates Alkek Velodrome?
The Greater Houston Cycling Foundation, a 501c(3) non profit organization, leases Alkek Velodrome from the City of Houston. The Velodrome is staffed by a program coordinator along with trained volunteers and coaching staff.
Where is Alkek Velodrome located?
Alkek Velodrome is located in the grounds of Cullen Park, 19008 Saums Road, Houston TX 77084. Click here for directions.
When is Alkek Velodrome open?
Our track racing season runs from April to September during which open training sessions and racing occurs on a regular basis. Outside of this window track training runs on a less regular basis along with cyclocross racing from October to November. See our calendar for detailed information.
Can kids ride Alkek Velodrome?
Absolutely! We have an excellent junior program that caters for first time riders up to national champions! While 10yrs is the normal age to get started riders as young as 8yrs have been able to take part in our ride camps. More details about this can be found here.
Can I ride at Alkek Velodrome?
Yes, we encourage everyone to try track cycling and currently host a diverse community of riders ranging from first timers up to world champions! For new riders we run regular new rider clinics so you can Alkek Velodrome safely. Click here for more information on how to get started.
Do I have to obtain accreditation to ride?
All riders must have attended an accreditation class at Alkek Velodrome or another Velodrome. Accreditation from other velodromes is commonly verified by holding a USAC License showing a Track category of 4 or higher however other means are also accepted.
What type of bike can I ride at Alkek Velodrome?
Unless specifically stated otherwise (Such as CX events) the only type of bike allowed on the velodrome is a fixed gear track specific bike. Track bikes have no mechanical brakes, one gear, and no freewheel. Consequently, there is no coasting, since if the back wheel is turning the pedals are turning. The bottom bracket is higher and the cranks are shorter than a normal bike to prevent pedal strikes in banked sections and speed is reduced by pushing back on the moving pedals or by going “up-track” which uses gravity to slow the bike as it travels uphill. Due to the steep embankment of the track, riding on the velodrome with a road bike or street bike is not safe and therefore, is not allowed. If you own your own track bike, you are welcome to use it.
What if I don't own a track bike?
Alkek Velodrome has a rental fleet available for use at all track events.
Are there bathroom facilities?
There is a portaloo located near the tunnel entrance of the velodrome.
Are spectators allowed?
Spectators are allowed to watch training and racing and we have bleachers on the home straight. However please be respectful of riders moving around the track area and do not enter the track or apron and remain outside officials area.
Are pets allowed?
We love animals and well behaved pets are welcome but must be kept on a lead and under control at all times for the safety of the animal and track users. All waste must be removed by the owners and naughty pets may be asked to leave.
Is food and drink available at Alkek Velodrome?
Typically anyone coming to Alkek Velodrome is required to bring sufficient food and drink for themselves. However occasionally a snack shack will operate in the track area at races and will be announced prior to events.
Are photographers allowed at Alkek Velodrome?
Photographers are welcome at Alkek Velodrome however please stay clear of the track and apron unless given permission by event officials. If you are a professional photographer and wish to take photographs to sell please contact us and in exchange for a sample of photographs for us to use we will help you advertise you pictures on our social media and email platforms.
Where can I get a waiver to sign?
Digital copies of our waiver are available here and completing them in advance is very much appreciated as it saves a lot of time at events. We can process them on site also if required.
How can I support Alkek Velodrome?
We always welcome sponsors, donations and volunteers. More information can be found by clicking on the links or feel free to email us.
How do I suggest improvements or make a complaint?
Email our Program Director, Stuart Gardner. Alternatively you can contact a GHCF board member. We do our best to keep everyone happy but please let us know if we can do better!
The first step in your track cycling journey...